2017. nov 16.

Friday = Funday

írta: s.aniko
Friday = Funday

Hi everyone!

First of all, I'd like you to do a little brain-storming. Click on the link below and do the task.


Secondly, please start working on unit 7e in the book and do page 98. For the listening click on the links below.

Listening 98/2 - B

Listening 98/2 - C

Also do exercise A in the workbook on page 70.

ATTENTION! Next Wednesday you're going to write a vocabulary test (words of unit 7bcd).

If you're ready then relax and prepare yourself for the weekend.  Here 's a good piece of music for that. ;)


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2017. okt 27.

A successful CV

írta: s.aniko
A successful CV

Hi everyone!

Today you're going to practice how to make a CV (resume) on the Internet. Since you have never worked before you're not going to write about yourself, but a famous and extremely successful person.

First of all, go to this website ' CANVA.COM ' and log in with your Facebook account .

Secondly, click on the RÉSUMÉ option and choose a template (minta) you like. Try to choose one quickly so you can start working on the CV itself. 

Now you have to decide whose CV you're going to write. Here you can see the options (3 businessmen and 2 politicians):

- Bill Gates (Windows)

- Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook)

- Elon Musk (Tesla)

- Angela Merkel (Germany)

- Hillary Clinton (USA)

After that, look for information about that person on the Internet. I advise you ...

Tovább Szólj hozzá

2017. sze 27.

Present Perfect Progressive

írta: s.aniko
Present Perfect Progressive

Hi there!

Now you're going to practice the use of this verb tense. After another you have to open the links below and do the exercises.

Always read the instructions first.

If your test result is under 90 % then please do the test again before moving on to the next one. 

One: click here

Two: click here

Be careful, here you have to make QUESTIONS! Three: click here

Here you have to decide if Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive is needed.

Four: click here

Tovább Szólj hozzá

2016. dec 01.


írta: s.aniko

A szavak további gyakorlásához katt IDE .

Olvasd el az alábbi szöveget, majd nyisd meg a Paint nevű programot, és rajzod le, amit olvastál. Ha ezzel kész vagy, mentsd el a saját neved alatt, majd lépj be Facebookra, és töltsd fel a képet a közös csoportunkba!

In the picture I can see a family. The father smokes. The mother wears glasses. They have two children, a girl and a boy. The girl plays tennis, the boy plays football. The father drives a BMW. They live in a house with a garden. They have a dog. The dog eats hamburger. The mom drinks coffee every morning. The boy speaks German. 

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